It's not too late to support our project! 

Gifts can be made online at

Thank you!

Love Blue Club

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 20, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

We're increasing our goal!

March 22, 2024


Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to Love Blue's spring crowdfunding project. Thanks to you, we were able to reach our initial goal of $1,000 with several weeks remaining in our campaign! We don't want to stop here. We've decided to increase our goal to $1,500 so we can access additional materials and resources that will help our club now and in the future.

You can help us by sharing our link with your networks and letting them know why you made a gift. We'd appreciate your help in spreading the word! Here is the link to our project:

From all of us in Love Blue, thank you!

-Love Blue Club

Our Crowdfunding Groups