It's not too late to support our project! 

Gifts can be made online at

Thank you!

Latin American Student Organization

Raised toward our $1,200 Goal
23 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners


April 25, 2024

We did it! Thank you to everyone who donated to the Latin American Student Organization and helped us achieve our goal with five days to go until the conclusion of our campaign! Our project has received 22 gifts, totaling $1,206. These additional resources will have an immediate impact on us, and we want to express how grateful we are for your support.

While our goal has been reached there is even more we could accomplish with additional funds, and any gifts offered through April 30 would directly support the club in the spring semester and beyond. You can help us by posting about our project on your social media pages and sharing this link with your network:

Thank you so much for making this project a success!

-Latin American Student Organization

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